

Lukashenko about corruption in medicine: there will be no forgiveness for doctors here, forget about your corporatism

The President of Belarus has declared that corruption is inadmissible, especially in the field of healthcare. And he noted that the most stringent measures would be taken against the offenders, reports the correspondent of the portal of the Union State.


Trade unions of Vitebsk, Pskov and Smolensk regions signed a cooperation agreement

In Vitebsk, the signing of the Agreement on cooperation of trade unions in the Vitebsk, Pskov and Smolensk regions for 2019-2020 took place. This was reported in the press service of the FPB in the Vitebsk region, the correspondent of the portal of the Union State reports


Vice Rector of BSEU: Russians are not considered to be foreign students. They study under the same conditions as Belarusians.

Vice-Rector of the Belarusian State Economic University Gennady Matetsky spoke about the implementation of the University 3.0 model and the prospects for cooperation with Russian universities. Details - in the material of the correspondent of the portal of the Union State


BBC and The New York Times will help promote the tourist potential of Belarus

Over the past year, much has been done to popularize Belarus in the world. One significant step was the negotiations on the promotion of tourism opportunities of the republic through the BBC and The New York Times. This was told by the Deputy Director of the Department of Tourism - the head of the planning and organization of tourist activities of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus Vitaly Gritsevich, reports the correspondent of the Union State portal


The first volume of the publication devoted to the history of the Belarusian statehood was presented in Minsk

The first volume of the scientific publication “The History of Belarusian Statehood” was presented in Minsk. Belarusian statehood: from the beginnings to the end of the XVIII century ", the correspondent of the portal of the Union State reports


Honored Artist of Russia Mikhail Gubsky will perform on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus on January 29

The Honored Artist of Russia Mikhail Gubsky, guest soloist of the Bolshoi Moscow, artist of the Novaya Opera Theater named after Kolobov will appear on the Belarusian stage again. He was nominated for the prestigious theatrical Russian Golden Mask Award specifically for this part - Herman in the opera by P. Tchaikovsky's The Queen of Spades - Mikhail Gubsky. About this correspondent of the portal of the Union State, told the press service of the theater


RAS and "National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" announced the winners of the competition in 2018

The RAS and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus announced the winners of the 2018 competition for prizes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The correspondent of the portal of the Union State was told about this in the press service of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Belarus in 2018 increased the export of tourism services by 13-14%

According to preliminary results, in 2018 Belarus increased exports of tourist services by 13-14%. This was announced today at a press conference by Deputy Director of the Department of Tourism of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism Vitaly Gritsevich, BelTA has learned


About 200 athletes will gather international freestyle wrestling tournament in Vitebsk

The XXVII International freestyle wrestling tournament in the memory of Captain III rank Anatoly Ispenkov and the dead members of the crew of the Komsomolets submarine will gather about 200 athletes in Vitebsk, the city executive committee told BelTA


The Belarusians of Udmurtia met in Izhevsk at the “Christmas carols”

The regular Christmas carols meeting was held in Izhevsk, in which Belarusians from Udmurtia from regions of the republic took part, including members of the Republican public organization Society of Belarusian Culture in the Udmurt Republic Batkovschina, guests from diasporas living in the Udmurt Republic. This was told to the correspondent of the portal of the Union State in the press service of the Belarusian Dimpissia in Russia


Exchange tours of the Belarusian Musical Theater and Tula Drama Theater

Exchange tours between the Belarusian State Academic Musical Theater and the Tula State Academic Drama Theater open today, BelTA learned from the BGAMT


Lukashenko: the main value of Belarus is people who increase the glory of the country with their talent

The main value of the Belarusian state is people who, with their talent, creativity and hard work, increase the glory of the country. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said this today at the ceremony of awarding the prize For Spiritual Revival, the special award and the Belarus Sports Olympus award, BelTA has learned


Dancers from more than 10 countries will participate in the competition in Vitebsk

The XXXIV International Dance Sport Competition "Vitebsk Snowflake" will be held in the regional center on January 19-20. Spectacular quickstep, waltz, tango and jive will not leave anyone indifferent, BelTA learned in the Vitebsk Culture Center


The list of the Belavia campaign directions was replenished with Nizhny Novgorod, Kaliningrad, Paris and Larnaca

Belavia Airlines has determined new directions to which experimental fares apply. Such information is posted on the website of the airline, the correspondent of the portal of the Union State reports.


Sheremetyevo was recognized as the most punctual airport in the world

Sheremetyevo Airport (SVO) was recognized as the most punctual among the major airports in the world for 2018. This is stated in a report published on the results of a study by the British analytical company OAG


Lukashenko: Millions Christians celebrates Christmas in the brightest and purest thoughts

Head of State Alexander Lukashenko Congratulates Orthodox Christians of Belarus on Christmas Eve


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