

Alex Varlamov: Belarusian and Russian writers are not just colleagues, but friends

This opinion was expressed by the rector of the Literary Institute named after AM Gorky


Bryansk veterans received treatment in Belarus and Tver

This year another 160 people visited the sanatorium "Karacharovo" of the Tver region and the Belarusian sanatoriums "Chaborok" and "Sosnovy Bor"


Tyumen NGO "Autonomy Belarus" turns 20 years old

The celebration took place in the Palace of Culture "Stroitel", where representatives of the diaspora living in Tyumen


The Union State is 18 years old

In 1999, Moscow signed the Treaty on the establishment of the Union State


Margarita Levchenko: Funds from the Union State budget go to important projects

According to Margarita Levchenko, in the new year, 8 scientific programs will be funded, which are already being implemented, and 26 new activities are planned


Foreigners living in Russia and Belarus will be released from receiving a migration card

The relevant bill on ratification of the protocol to the agreement on the use of a single-issue migration card was submitted by the Government to the State Duma on Friday


Commodity turnover of Belarus and Russia increased by 22.7% in January-September

Belarus' export to Russia reached $ 9.5 billion (an increase of 21%), imports from Russia totaled $ 13.7 billion, an increase of 23.8%


Ivan Bambiza: By the end of the year Belarus and Russia will close almost all problematic issues

Deputy State Secretary of the Union State Ivan Bambiza believes that the Council of Ministers of the Union State, which will be held on December 8 in Gomel


Science and economics: integration projects of Russia and Belarus

The scientific and practical potential of scientists and specialists of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation in methodological, theoretical and experimental research has been formed long ago and goes back to the experience of integration ties of the Republics of the USSR


Ministry of Justice of Belarus and Russia signed a cooperation program for 2018-2019

The next program provides for a number of activities for which agencies will work together


Kaluga region interested in Belarusian experience in the construction of agro-towns

Experience and recommendations of Belarusian builders are waiting in the Kaluga region


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