

Belarusians of the Samara Region celebrate a holiday concert for the Day of Unity of Nations

In the region, a solemn event and a gala concert of laureates of the XIV Regional Festival of Children's and Youth Art "Unity" were held.


Russia will supply Belarus with 24 million tons of oil a year until 2024

Until 2019 inclusive of these 24 million tons of oil, 18 million will be sent for processing at the refinery, and 6 million tons will be "reshuffled"


Belarusian Investigative Committee ready to help Russian colleagues in the investigation of the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg

The corresponding letter was addressed to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin


Specialists of the Rosselkhoznadzor inspect a number of Belarusian enterprises

Which enterprises will be inspected, not specified


Representatives of public organizations carrying flowers and lamps to the Embassy of Russia in Belarus

One of the first representatives of the republican public association "Belaya Rus" arrived to the embassy


Gomel develops twinning and partnership relations with 17 cities and regions of Russia

The chairman of the Gomel City Council of Deputies also said that Gomel's foreign trade turnover with Russia over the past year increased by more than 6%


Tula paratroopers arrived in Belarus to participate in joint tactical exercises with landing

According to the Ministry of Defense, in the course of the exercise, Russian and Belarusian paratroopers will conduct landing on an unfamiliar landing site


Producer of the project "The Voice. Children "invited talented Belarusian children to the festival in Sochi

In addition, he promised to write a few songs for talented girls and help with preparation for the contest


Union State achieves high level of integration, - Dmitry Medvedev

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev congratulated Prime Minister of Belarus Andrei Kobyakov on the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia


In the Kremlin, the details of the upcoming meeting between Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko

The heads of state will discuss the controversial issues in a one-on-one format, and if necessary, the relevant ministers


Foreign trade turnover of Belarus and Russia increased 4 times to $ 26.1 billion in 20 years, - Belstat

In 2016, Russia exported goods worth $ 10.8 billion, or 3.6 times more than in 1996


The Ministry of Defense of Russia told about the success of the paratroopers at the exercises in Belarus

The maneuvers of the paratroopers of the two countries were observed by the Belarusian Defense Minister Lieutenant-General Andrei Ravkov


Alexander Lukashenko extends condolences to Putin in connection with the explosion in the metro of St. Petersburg

Speaking of St. Petersburg, the President of Belarus stressed that this is not a foreign city for him


Mikhail Myasnikovich urged the senators "specifically and seriously" to address the issues of unifying legislation in the Union State and the Unified Energy System

In total at the spring session, the Council of the Republic plans to consider more than 30 bills


Art contest "Belarus - Russia: native open spaces" was held in Moldova

The contest was attended by students from Moldovan educational institutions, who presented more than a hundred paintings


Andrei Kobyakov: Day of Unity is a milestone in the history of integration associations in the post-Soviet space

Prime Minister of Belarus Andrei Kobyakov sent a congratulatory telegram to the Chairman of the Government of Russia Dmitry Medvedev on the occasion of the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia


Mogilev celebrates the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia

In Mogilev, from March 30 to 31, the 9th meeting of sister cities of Belarus and Russia was held


Vladimir Putin congratulated Alexander Lukashenko on the Day of Unity

The President of Russia noted that the accumulated experience of working together helps to find optimal solutions to any, even the most difficult issues


Inhabitants of the Union State can be assured: the authorities take care of improving the life of society - Alexander Surikov

Citizens of Belarus and Russia Alexander Surikov wished to participate more actively in public life


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