

OSCE Office may restart its work in Minsk

The new head of the working group of the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE in Belarus, 37 -year-old Christian Holm (Sweden), is aiming to restart the work of the OSCE Office in Minsk. He announced this during his interview with BelaPAN immediately after his appointment on 15 October.


Meeting on scientific cooperation between the CIS countries held in Minsk

The Executive Committee of the CIS Countries hosted a Working Group meeting on cooperation with the Interstate Committee for CIS Cooperation in Research, Technology and Innovation in Minsk between 17 and 18 October 2013.


In October the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus will keep refinancing rate at 23.5% per annum

In October the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus will keep the refinancing rate at 23.5% per annum, as reported by representatives of the Bank’s Information and Public Relations Office.


Semashko: Belarus should be ready to face an increase in prices for oil and natural gas in four years

Belarus should prepare to face an increase in prices for oil and natural gas in four years due to Russia’s policy aimed at securing equal profits from selling hydrocarbons in the country and abroad. The statement was made by Vladimir Semashko, the First Vice Premier of Belarus, at the plenary session of the 18th Belarusian Energy and Ecology Congress in Minsk.


Belarus plans to implement a new financial programme for cooperation with the International Monetary Fund

Belarus plans to implement a new financial programme for cooperation with the International Monetary Fund. This information was released by Taras Nadolny, the First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, as he commented on the joint action plan, adopted on 10 October, to reform the structure and to bolster the competitive ability of the national economy.


All CIS heads confirm participation in the CIS summit in Minsk

All the CIS heads have confirmed their plans to take part in the session of the CIS Council of Heads of State that will be held in Minsk at the end of October. Alexander Lukashenko, the President of Belarus, announced this today at a meeting to discuss preparations for the summit.


Ukrainian delegation to hold consultations with representatives of the Single Economic Space on the sidelines of the CIS summit in Minsk

A Ukrainian delegation will hold consultations with representatives of the Single Economic Space (SES) on the sidelines of the CIS summit which will take place in Minsk at the end of October. Alexander Lukashenko, the President of Belarus, reported this at a session to discuss preparations for the summit of the CIS heads.


European Parliament: there are almost 900 thousand slaves in the EU

According to a recent report by the Committee of the European Parliament on Organised Crime, Money Laundering and Corruption there are about 880 thousand people working in conditions close to slavery. Of these a quarter are exposed to sexploitation.


‘Amperes for three’

There are plans to establish a Common Power Market in the Customs Union in the next 3-5 years. This was stated last week at the 8th KazEnergy Eurasian Forum.


Kazakh and Russian border guards join in fight against Caspian Sea poachers

On Friday the Border Service of the Kazakh National Security Committee announced that the second phase of large scale preventative operations is underway in Kazakhstan. They are being held by Kazakh border guards and their Russian counterparts twice a year in the Caspian Sea.


Representative Office of Russian Railways is opened in Minsk

The Representative Office of the JSC Russian Railways was opened in Minsk on 10 October. Anatoly Sivak, the Minister of Transport and Communications of Belarus, Vladimir Yakunin, the President of JSC Russian Railways, Alexander Surikov, the Russian Ambassador to Belarus, and other officials took part in the ceremonial opening.


‘Slavic States can and must find ways to talk’

Lately Belarus has attracted more and more attention from our readers. This is primarily due to this country continuing to be something of an enigma, even for citizens of the neighbouring States, and the solution to this it is simultaneously both difficult and easy.


Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation initiates criminal case against Vladislav Baumgertner

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has initiated a criminal case against Vladislav Baumgertner, the General Director of Uralkali, for abuse of his power and office, and it is preparing documents for his extradition to Russia.


Six athletes to represent Belarus at the SportAccord World Combat Games in Saint Petersburg

Dmitry Pyasetsky, the Deputy Chairman of the Belarusian Kickboxing and Thai Boxing Federation, has reported to journalists that six athletes will represent Belarus at the SportAccord World Combat Games in Saint Petersburg between18 and 26 October.


Pavel Yakubovich: Lukashenko’s press conference for the Russian regional media is an important event in the social and political life of the country

Pavel Yakubovich, the chief editor of the SB – Belarus Today, announced on TV channel, Belarus-1, that Lukashenko’s press conference for the Russian regional media is an important event in the social and political life of the country.


Four Yak-130 operational trainers should be delivered to Belarus in 2015

Four Yak-130 operational trainers should be delivered to Belarus in 2015, BELTA has reported this, making reference to Major General Oleg Dvigalev, the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Forces and Air Defense Forces of Belarus.


Lidia Yermoshina: Presidential election in Azerbaijan was held in a peaceful and positive atmosphere

Lidia Yermoshina, Chairperson of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Belarus, told BELTA that the presidential election in Azerbaijan was held in a peaceful and positive atmosphere. Lidia Yermoshina was a part of the CIS team of observers which monitored the presidential election in Azerbaijan.


Grigory Rapota: the Union State border security programme is being implemented successfully

At the end of the meeting of the Collegium of the Border Committee in Sochi, Grigory Rapota, the Secretary of the Union State, reported to the RIA Novosti that the Union State programme for border security until 2016 is being implemented successfully.


Alexander Surikov: Russia wishes to meet a Belarusian request for oil supply

As reported by BELTA, Alexander Surikov, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Belarus, told journalists today that Russia would like to meet a Belarusian request to supply oil during the fourth quarter of this year.


Russian Railways opens its representative office in Minsk

Russian Railways has opened its representative office in Belarus. It will coordinate issues of bilateral industrial cooperation, in particular, the implementation of plans for the establishment of the Union State’s joint transport system and joint work with international organisations.


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