

The governments of Belarus and Russia approved an agreement on the recognition of technological operations in the Union State

The governments of Belarus and Russia have approved an agreement on the recognition of technological operations. This is provided for by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of December 19, 2022 No. 884, which was officially published on the National Legal Internet Portal


Belarusian senators ratified an agreement on general principles of taxation of indirect taxes in the Union State

Senators at the tenth session of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the seventh convocation approved the draft law "On ratification of the Treaty between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on the general principles of taxation of indirect taxes", BelTA informs.


Deputies ratified the agreement on the general principles of taxation of indirect taxes in the Union State

Deputies at the meeting of the ninth session of the House of Representatives of the seventh convocation adopted the draft law "On ratification of the Treaty between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on the general principles of taxation of indirect taxes", BelTA informs.


Expert: Type A (H1N1) viruses predominate among detected influenza viruses in Belarus and Russia

Currently, there is an early onset of an epidemic rise in the incidence. Since the 45th calendar week, European countries have entered into an influenza epidemic, in many countries epidemic thresholds have long been exceeded both in terms of incidence and frequency of detection of influenza viruses. Influenza A (H3N2) viruses dominate globally, but in some countries, including Belarus and Russia, A (H1N1) viruses predominate among detected influenza viruses. This was announced by the head of the laboratory of influenza and influenza-like diseases of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Natalya Shmeleva, reports the correspondent of the Soyuz.by portal.


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