

Minsk Airport plans to organize flights to Murmansk, Voronezh and Samara

Minsk National Airport expects to attract new flights from Minsk to Russian regions in 2022. Flights will be carried out by Russian air carriers, said the general director of the enterprise Vyacheslav Khoroneko, the official portal of the airport reports.


Alexander Lukashenko participates in an extraordinary session of the CSTO CSC on Kazakhstan

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko today takes part in an extraordinary session of the CSTO Collective Security Council on the situation in Kazakhstan, which is held via videoconference, BelTA informs. All heads of the CSTO member states and CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas take part in the online meeting of the Collective Security Council


Alexander Lukashenko urged to strengthen the CSTO

As the press service of the President of Belarus reports, Alexander Lukashenko today, during an extraordinary session of the CSTO Collective Security Council for Kazakhstan, held via videoconference, called for the improvement of the CSTO: "We are facing serious challenges in the future. It is necessary to strengthen the CSTO, calmly, systematically build up all its components and, above all, the peacekeeping potential. It is very important to maintain mobility and efficiency of actions," Aleksandr Lukashenko noted.


Alexander Lukashenko discussed with Vladimir Putin the situation in the CSTO area of ​​responsibility

As the press service of the President of Belarus reports, today the leaders of Belarus and Russia had a telephone conversation. Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin discussed the situation in the countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization and, in particular, the latest developments in Kazakhstan


Belarusian and Russian pilots conducted joint border patrols

Belarusian and Russian pilots conducted the first joint patrol of the air borders of the Union State in the new year. This was reported in the Ministry of Defense of Belarus


MAZ delivered a batch of buses to Krasnodar

MAZ delivered a batch of buses to Krasnodar (RF). This was reported in the press service of the enterprise


Belarus and Russia signed balance sheets of food supplies for 2022

The forecast balances of supply and demand of the Union State for meat and dairy products for 2022 were agreed and signed. This was reported in the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food


Secretary of State of the Union State visited the New Year's prayer service at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

On New Year's Eve, at the Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia performed prayer singing for the New Year, the website of the Russian Orthodox Church reports. Prayer was visited by the State Secretary of the Union State of Belarus and Russia Dmitry Mezentsev


New Year's address of the President of the Russian Federation to the citizens of Russia

The President of Russia congratulated the citizens of the country on the New Year 2022, the Kremlin press service reports


New Year's address of the President of Belarus to the Belarusian people

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko addressed the citizens of the country before the New Year 2022


Alexander Lukashenko congratulated foreign leaders on the New Year

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko congratulated foreign leaders on the New Year holidays, the press service of the Belarusian leader reported.


Sergey Lavrov: The Union State will stop the threats associated with the approach of NATO

The program of coordinated actions in the field of the foreign policy of the Union State involves stopping the threats associated with the approach of NATO's military infrastructure. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in an interview with TASS


The Presidents of Belarus and Russia played hockey in the same team

After lengthy negotiations in St. Petersburg, the heads of state of Belarus and Russia continued informal communication at the ice arena in Strelna


Vladimir Putin sent a Happy New Year greeting to Alexander Lukashenko

According to the Kremlin press service, Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated heads of foreign states and governments, as well as heads of international organizations on Christmas and the upcoming New Year 2022


"Uraltransmash" has completed the delivery of modernized howitzers "Acacia" from Russia to Belarus

"Uraltransmash" has completed the delivery of modernized howitzers "Acacia" to Belarus. The overhaul of howitzers with modernization prolongs the service life and ensures the technical condition as close as possible to newly manufactured products. Dmitry Semizorov, General Director of Uraltransmash, spoke about this, TASS reports.


Belarusian-Russian intergovernmental agreement on the transshipment of petroleum products entered into force

According to the National Legal Internet Portal, the head of state signed Law No. 135-Z, ratifying the intergovernmental Belarusian-Russian Agreement on the organization of cooperation in the field of transportation and transshipment of oil products of the origin of the Republic of Belarus, intended for export to third countries through the seaports of the Russian Federation


Mikhail Myasnikovich called the outgoing year positive for the EAEU

Head of the EEC Board Mikhail Myasnikovich called the outgoing 2021 a positive year for the Eurasian Economic Union, BelTA informs.


Russia is ready to send observers to Belarus for a referendum on the Constitution

Russia, if invited by the Belarusian side, is ready to send observers to Belarus for a referendum on the Constitution. This was stated by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, BelTA informs.


Belarusian and Russian fighters again patrolled along the border

Belarusian and Russian fighters again conducted joint patrols along the Belarusian border, the Belarusian Defense Ministry reports.


The unified technical regulation for gas in the EAEU market comes into force on January 1

The technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of combustible natural gas prepared for transportation and (or) use" enters into force on January 1, 2022


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