Official website of the Standing Committee of Union state
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Information on Procurement
Milestones in History
Expert opinion
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Science and Technology
Culture and Society
The activities of the Standing Committee
State Secretary
Video and Audio Chronicle
Information on Procurement
Information on Procurement
PROTOCOL No. 1 of the meeting of the competition commission for opening envelopes with competitive applications submitted for participation in an open competition for the right to conclude an agreement for the provision of services for the organization of
PROTOCOL No. 2 of the procedure for considering single applications for participation in an open competition for the right to conclude contracts for the provision of services for information support for the construction of the Union State in the second ha
PROTOCOL No. 1 of the procedure for opening envelopes with applications for participation in an open competition for the right to conclude contracts for the provision of services for information support for the construction of the Union State in the secon
Notice of an open competition for the right to conclude an agreement to carry out work on the publication and distribution of the magazine “Union State” in the second half of 2024
Competitive documentation for an open competition for the right to conclude an agreement to carry out work on the publication and distribution of the magazine “Union State” in the second half of 2024
PROTOCOL No. 1 of the procedure for opening envelopes with applications for participation in a repeated open competition for the right to conclude an agreement to perform editorial, publishing and printing work on the preparation of the original layout an
Regulations on the implementation of the Union State event “Organization of treatment and rehabilitation of children from regions of Belarus and Russia most affected by the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other natural and man-made disas
Notice of an open competition for the right to conclude an agreement for the provision of services for the organization of treatment and rehabilitation of children from regions of Belarus and Russia most affected by the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear p
Competitive documentation for an open competition for the right to conclude an agreement for the provision of services for the organization of treatment and rehabilitation of children from regions of Belarus and Russia most affected by the disaster at th
PROTOCOL No. 1 of the procedure for opening envelopes with applications for participation in an open competition for the right to conclude an agreement to carry out editorial, publishing and printing work for the publication of the book “There is no statu
PROTOCOL No. 1 of the procedure for opening envelopes with applications for participation in an open competition for the right to conclude an agreement to carry out editorial, publishing and printing work on design development, pre-press preparation and p
PROTOCOL No. 2 of the procedure for considering a single application for participation in an open competition for the right to conclude an agreement to perform a set of works, services for software and hardware and maintenance of copying equipment of the
PROTOCOL No. 2 of the procedure for considering a single application for participation in an open competition for the right to conclude an agreement to carry out editorial, publishing and printing work for the publication of the book “There is no statute
PROTOCOL No. 2 of the procedure for considering a single application for participation in an open competition for the right to conclude an agreement to carry out editorial, publishing and printing work on design development, pre-press preparation and prod
PROTOCOL No. 2 of the procedure for considering and evaluating competitive applications for participation in an open competition for the right to conclude an agreement for the provision of voluntary health insurance (VHI) services for 2024 for employees o
PROTOCOL No. 2 of the procedure for considering a single competitive application for participation in an open competition for the right to conclude an agreement for the provision of voluntary health insurance (VHI) services for 2024 for employees of the R
PROTOCOL No. 2 of the procedure for considering the only competitive application for participation in an open competition for the right to conclude an agreement for motor transport services of the Permanent Committee of the Union State for 2024
PROTOCOL No. 1 of the procedure for opening envelopes with applications for participation in an open competition for the right to conclude an agreement to perform a set of works, services for software and hardware and maintenance of copying equipment of t
PROTOCOL No. 1 of the procedure for opening envelopes with applications for participation in an open competition for the right to conclude an agreement to perform editorial, publishing and printing work for the preparation of the original layout and publi
PROTOCOL No. 2 of the procedure for considering a single application for participation in an open competition for the right to conclude an agreement to perform editorial, publishing and printing work for the preparation of the original layout and publicat