
Science and Technology

The government of Belarus and approved the draft of the Union State program "Car Electronics"

Now it will be considered by the Council of Ministers of the Union State


The head of the IAEA Yukiya Amano: Belarusian NPP - one of the most successful projects in countries that have embarked on the path of nuclear power

Director General of the agency visited the international large-scale construction in the Grodno region and met with President of Belarus


Belarus has appeared Agency for Space Research

One of its main objectives - the creation of a new satellite


The "Union imager" pay for itself in 6 years

Devices manufactured in the Union State, last longer, and their cost is lower


Company appeared for the development of machine tool industry in the Union State

Arrangements for its creation have been achieved at the end of last year


The Government of Belarus has approved the draft Union State program "Luch"

National Academy of Sciences of Belarus instructed to submit an approved draft to the Council of Ministers of the Union State


About the seismic events in the area of ​​Pripyat trough

Modern geophysical Earth observation significantly change our ideas about the nature of seismicity and its manifestations. The traditional model of separating seismotectonic regions on the principle of "seismic-aseismic" is not quite correct. The results of the development of seismology convinced that as such aseismic regions do not exist!


Nuclear Union

60 years marks the March 26 one of the world's leading research centers, located in Dubna near Moscow - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR). Belarus plays an important role in its activities


Oleg Penyazkov: We hope that by the end of this year, completed all the approval procedures of the new Union State program "Technology - SG"

The journalists said the director of the Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer Institute. A.V.Lykova National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Oleg Penyazkov


Scientific-Technical Commission for the selection of innovative programs and projects will be set up in the Union State

In Minsk the eighth meeting of the Russian-Belarusian Commission on Scientific and Technological Cooperation


Alexander Shumilin: Our challenge is to go to building the development strategy of the Union State in the field of science and technology

Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology of Belarus takes part in the regular meeting of the Russian-Belarusian Commission on Scientific and Technological Cooperation


Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg bought the Belarusian company

In MSQRD program can become a tanker, leopard, Leonardo DiCaprio and Joseph Stalin


Facebook bought the Belarusian company that created the application to change the appearance in a video chat

The development of the Belarusian programmers is not integrated into a social network


Oil - to be!

New deposit of black gold opened in the jubilee year for the Belarusian field


Orbital "Resource"

On the mission of the Russian spacecraft remote sensing (RS) "Resurs-P» № 3 (Resurs-P)


Russia and Belarus will create a cross-border population of bison

Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia S.Donskoy sent a letter to the head of the environmental department of Belarus A.Kovuhto with a proposal to create a Russian-Belarusian population of bison


Belarusian "Planar" provides Russian companies most complicated equipment for microelectronics

Due to federal programs, the company sold products to 70 million dollars


Arkady Aronov: Belarus and the western territory of Russia - a uniform seismotectonic region

About seismological studies, prospects and value of the seismic monitoring systems postkomsg.com correspondent talked to the director of the Geophysical Monitoring Center (HMC National Academy of Sciences), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Arkady Aronov


Scientific development of Belarusian schoolchildren have received prestigious awards in St. Petersburg

The city on the Neva took XII Baltic Science and Engineering Fair


Genetics Belarus and Russia spoke about the program "DNA identification"

It is designed for five years and includes two main blocks of research in the field of medical genetics and in the field, aimed at developing criminalistics


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