
Science and Technology

Mikhail Agranat: Always hit extremely high production in Belarus

On the joint research and development in the field of femtosecond laser technology, told us the head of the Department of laser plasma, Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences (Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS), head of the femtosecond laser center, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences


Construction of units of Belarusian NPP is on schedule

The pace of construction is under special control of the Belarusian President and the Government of the Republic


Belarus celebrates Day of Science

Every year on the last Sunday of January, celebrating the Day of Belarusian Science. On the eve of this event, the Belarusian scientists told reporters about the new developments and plans


Program "SKIF Nedra" will reduce the dependence of Russian science from Western technology

Told portal www.soyuz.by spoke at the Joint Institute of Informatics Problems NASB


Roadmap program "SKIF Nedra" developed in the Union State

To correspondent portal www.soyuz.by told this to the Deputy Executive Director of the Valentina Medvedeva


Valery Tsepkala: Intelligent people - more important resource than oil and gas

Director of the State Institution "High Technology Park" talked about how successful the Belarusian IT development in the global market


Valery Tsepkala: our customers in the field of personnel management is even Google

Director of the State Institution "High Technology Park" spoke about how to develop the Belarusian Skolkovo


Valery Tsepkala: Belarus is becoming a significant player in the international IT market

Director of the State Institution "High-Tech Park," said of the progress over the last 10 years have made programmers Republic


List of the murderers of St. Prince Bogolyubsky archaeologists found on the walls of the ancient cathedral

In the XII century, he led the strongest in the whole of Russia Vladimir and Suzdal


Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Alferov Foundation was named the winner of the contest for young scientists 2015

In 2015, the competition was held for the second time, winning it claimed six young scientists


"The weak and super-weak fields and radiation in biology and medicine": the results of the congress

Every three years in St. Petersburg hosts international conference "The weak and super-weak fields and radiation in biology and medicine." They are consistently the main organizer is the Russian Academy of Sciences. To participate in the meetings, seminars and forums attracts scientists from around the world. Often, you can meet and guests from Belarus


Gomel and Kaliningrad physicians share their experience

The visit of the representatives of the health care system of the Republic of Belarus took place in the framework of cooperation of the Kaliningrad region of Russia and the Gomel region of Belarus


The scientists and cultural figures of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine gathered in Minsk for dialogue

Communication takes place in the framework of the international conference


Russian scientists offer to Belarus to strengthen cooperation in the field of social sciences

The journalists before the opening of the first Eurasian Forum of Young Scientists, said Chairman of the Board of Young Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences Andrei Kotelnikov


First Eurasian Forum of Young Scientists started in Minsk

Young scientists from 12 countries will present the major international and interdisciplinary projects


The Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences there are no contradictions and conflicts

This was announced by Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Vladimir Gusakov


"Despite the distance, we appreciate the cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus", - Chairman of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

This was told the vice president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Alexander Aseev


"Establishment of the legal framework should be ahead of the formation of a common scientific and technological space of the Union State" - Peter Vityaz

This opinion was at the opening ceremony of expert and media online-seminar "The vectors of the scientific environment in the Union State. New ideas and people, "stated Chief of the National Academy of Sciences


Scientists of the Union State are jointly developing a module engineering calculations "MIR-Pobeda"

This was announced today at the section expert and media online-seminar "The vectors of the scientific environment in the Union State. New ideas and people, "said the director of Russian Interindustry engineering center, Bauman MSTU Vladimir Nelyub


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