
Science and Technology

Deputy General Director of Integral Alexander Dudkin: "Whoever has strong microelectronics - a strong army and the most promising weapons"

The Belarusian holding "Integral" was told about the enterprise's interest in the programs of the Union State


Director of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Nikolai Kazak: "We must ensure security in our common technological space"

The Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus continues to actively participate in the implementation of the programs of the Union State. In 2015, the program "Pramen" is over now in full swing "Luch", and at the approval stage - "Component F"


Chief engineer of the Elektronmash plant Andrei Moskalenko: Russian colleagues are helping us to create a biological heart valve

The Minsk plant "Electronmash" produces artificial heart valves of the "Planix" family for more than 25 years. A valve is a mechanical product with a titanium ring and with two locking elements. It is used to replace affected natural human valves


Sergei Krasnyi: "If you do not take serious measures, colon cancer in Belarus can come first"

The implementation of the program of the Union State "DNA-identification" began in 2017 and will last until 2021. During these five years scientists of the academies of sciences of Belarus and Russia will conduct research that will bring practical benefits to medicine and criminalistics


Academician Alexander Kilchevsky: "The implementation of the" DNA-identification "program will increase the level of security of the Union State"

The Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus told about the implementation of the Union State's program "DNA-identification"


Scientists of the Union State discussed the digital future and high technologies

The conference dedicated to the development of the IT sphere was launched in the Embassy of Belarus in Moscow


In the EAEU will create a single program of digital transformation

In Almaty, the international forum "Digital Agenda in the Era of Globalization" was held, in which the heads of governments of the member countries took part


The implementation of two new allied programs in the sphere of the military-industrial complex will begin in 2018

In Minsk, a meeting was held with representatives of government customers of the programs and activities of the Union State from Belarus in the areas of defense, security, law enforcement, military-technical cooperation and the defense industry


Belarus chooses the best young scientists of the country

The prize was awarded for the fourth time by the Alferov Foundation and the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic


Belarusian higher educational institution switches to alternative energy

Polotsk State University will refuse to use ordinary electricity in the lighting system


Cybersport interest

Created in Belarus, the game World of Tanks was able to conquer the whole world


Russian ship "Akademik Fedorov" delivered Belarusian polar explorers and their cargo to Antarctica

The Tenth Belarussian Antarctic Expedition (BAE) received a cargo that can fully provide its scientific work and comparatively comfortable life in harsh conditions


"Together we can do very interesting tasks"

On December 13, within the framework of the II Congress of Scientists of Belarus, the Chairman of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Vladimir Gusakov, presented the diploma of a foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus to the newly elected President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Sergeev


State Secretary of the Union State Grigory Rapota: The scientific component should be one of the basic in the relations between Russia and Belarus

At the 2nd congress of scientists of the Republic of Belarus in Minsk, 2093 delegates gathered. A plenary meeting was held in the Palace of the Republic with the participation of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko


Alexei Kubrin: "Industry can not develop without scientific support"

The Second Congress of Scientists of the Republic of Belarus started in Minsk, which will be held for two days


The second reactor of BelNPP is equipped with a reactor vessel

Now the engineers are starting to install the main equipment of the station's primary circuit


Alexander Nachevkin: "The creation of a joint Belarusian-Russian enterprise can radically change the situation in the production of bicycles"

The general director of the Russian group of companies "Velomotors" Ltd. told, under what conditions it is possible to revive the bicycle production industry in the Union State


"Who will be the first to learn how to turn fundamental research into completely new products will win"

The 51st session of the permanent seminar at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia on the issues of the construction of the Union State on the topic "Forming a single scientific and technological space of the Union State: problems, prospects, innovations" is held in Minsk.


About 30 new devices for laser medicine invented in Belarus

The achievements of scientists are discussed at the VI Congress of Physicists of Belarus


Steam generators for the second power unit were brought to BelNPP

With their help, the turbine will be powered


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