
Science and Technology

Staff of the Belarusian nuclear power plant began training at the gym

This was reported in Wednesday's press service station


Russian scientists have found a gene responsible for depression

The discovery made at the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics, using the genotypes of about 2 thousand people


Belarusian polar explorers for the first time begin to grow plants in Antarctica

Work will be performed in its own Belarusian Antarctic station


Belarusian and Russian scientists for many years exploring the cultural and ethnic ties borderland - Alexander Lokotko

It is also developing cooperation with the Novosibirsk branch of the Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch of the Russian and other research centers


Forum of Belarus and Russian regions in 2017 will be devoted to high-tech

Chairman of the Council of the Republic of Belarus believes that the preparations for the forum you need to step up


Belarusian scientists will create a line of lactoferrin-enriched milk products

Within the framework of the Union State programs "BelRosTransgen" and "BelRosTransgen-2" by joint efforts of Belarusian and Russian scientists for the first time a herd of transgenic goats were created in the world


Scientists of Belarus and Russia are on the verge of breakthroughs in the energy sector

In Novosibirsk, the work on the creation of a fusion reactor


Scientists of Belarus and Russia will create a common program for energy projects

The lead initiator of the joint program "Green Energy" is the Ural Federal University (Ural Federal University), and co-executor - Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


By 2018, develop prototypes of underwater robots for Arctic exploration

This was stated by Head of Physical and Technical Research Advanced Research Fund Viktor Litvinenko


Scientists of Belarus and Russia intend to hold a scientific conference on the military history of the twentieth century

This was announced by Director of the Institute of History of NAS of Belarus Vyacheslav Danilovich


From the hydrogen energy to quantum dots

Vice-President of Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Alexander Aseev told about key joint projects in Siberia and the Belarusian scientists


Belarusian scientists plan to send human lactoferrin for export

Human lactoferrin production technology from the milk of transgenic goats was tested in two of the Union State programs


Belarusian scientists plan to send human lactoferrin for export

Human lactoferrin production technology from the milk of transgenic goats was tested in two of the Union State programs


Russia and Belarus have developed uniform standards for the exploration and production of hydrocarbons

Action Plan for the harmonization of approaches for 2016-2017 signed by the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and Belarus in the framework of the VII Tyumen Oil and Gas Forum


The Belarusian nuclear physicist awarded a major grant from the Russian government

Mikhail Korzhik be able in the next three years to get up to 90 million rubles for their research


NAS participates in 5 programs of the Union, - Petr Vityaz

In the framework of the Union State of Belarus and Russia are cooperating on all levels: political, economic, cultural and legal


The level of radiation near the Belarusian NPP will measure no less than every 10 minutes

Near the station will be deployed automated radiation monitoring system


Belarusian data center recognized as the best in the CIS

National Data Center has received the main prize of the prestigious international competition


The scientific community in Russia and Belarus discussed the problems of Polesie

Minsk hosts international conference on problems of rational use of natural resources in the region


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