
The activities of the Standing Committee

The permanent Committee of the Union state invites you to participate in the creation of literary "Bridge of Friendship"

the Permanent Committee of the Union state announces a Competition for young writers Union state "friendship Bridge"based on the search, discovery and support of talented young authors, drawing their attention to the history, culture and literary traditions of Russia and Belarus, the construction of the Union state.


Master-classes of the "Union state youth of the XXI century"

Master classes for students of art schools of Russia and Belarus 2014 culminated in two concerts at the Central music school at the Moscow state Conservatory named after Tchaikovsky.


About Union state awards in the field of literature and art

In accordance with the decision of the Supreme Council of the Union of Belarus and Russia on 28 April 1999, No. 6 established three Union state prize in literature and art, which are awarded for his great contribution to the strengthening of the relations of brotherhood, friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the member States of the Union state.


The message about the deadline for the awards of the Union state in the field of literature and art

the Permanent Committee of the Union state announces the deadline for the awards of the Union state in the field of literature and art for 2015 - 2016 and the nomination procedure works for premium.


Providing medical assistance to the citizens of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation

Providing medical assistance to the citizens of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation, is carried out in accordance with the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the government of the Russian Federation on the provision of medical assistance to the citizens of the Republic of Belarus in the health care institutions of the Russian Federation and citizens of the Russian Federation in the health care institutions of the Republic of Belarus from January 24, 2006 and the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Bike ride "the Youth of Russia and Belarus - the road to the future of the Union state"

11 September 2014 in the Park in memory of the Heroes, Smolensk will host the Grand opening of the bike ride of the Union state "Youth of Russia and Belarus - the road to the future of the Union state".


"7 days": the life of the Union state

Belarusian Republican political newspaper "7 days" tells the story of the most striking examples of Russian-Belarusian cooperation.


About the results of the Meeting of the young ecologists of Russia and Belarus "Ecology without borders"

With the aim of expanding the Belarusian-Russian integration cooperation in the field of education and strengthening of friendly ties between the students and young people involved in ecological and biological activities, research work, for several years, is organizing a Rally of young ecologists of Russia and Belarus "Ecology without borders".


IX festival "Youth for the Union state" will be held in Rostov-on-don, 14 - 19 September 2014

August 26, 2014, in Rostov-on-don hosted a press conference dedicated to the ninth International festival "Youth for the Union state". Festival events will be held in Rostov region from 15 to 19 September.


The delegation of the Standing Committee will take part in the celebration of the Day of Belarusian written language

7 September in Zaslavl, Minsk region) will be the Day of Belarusian written language. The celebration will be attended by representatives of the Permanent Committee of the Union state.


On conducting Civil-Patriotic cadet change students ' Union state "For the honor of the Motherland"

2 through September 22, 2014 at the National children's educational and health center "calf" (Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, Myadel district) will host a Civil-Patriotic cadet change of students Union state "For the honor of the Motherland!".


"The Russian Federation today" about the Union state

In the latest issue of the magazine "Russian Federation today" published an interview with the Governor of the Tver region Andrey Shevelev about the experience of cooperation of the Russian region with the Republic of Belarus, as well as the material devoted to the Treaty establishing the Eurasian economic Union (EEU).


The festival of the Union state "Creativity young" - one of the brightest and most festive youth programs of the Standing Committee

From 18 to 25 August in the city-resort of Anapa was held the festival of the Union state "Creativity young" is a bright and ambitious youth arts forum, which occupies an extremely important place among the cultural projects of the Standing Committee.


Press-conference devoted to the preparation and holding of the festival "Youth for the Union state"

August 26, 2014 at 14:30, in Rostov-on-don Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia will hold a press conference dedicated to the IX festival "Youth for the Union state".


Meeting of the organizing Committee for the bike ride of the Union state

August 26, 2014, at the Ministry of sports of the Russian Federation held a meeting of the organizing Committee for the bike ride of the Union state "Youth of Russia and Belarus - the road to the future of the Union state" with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of education of the Republic of Belarus, the Administration of the Smolensk region, the Standing Committee of the Union state.


Representatives Standing Committee will participate in the 27th Moscow international book exhibition-fair

3 through September 7, 2014 in Moscow will host the 27th Moscow international book fair (MIBF). In it will be attended by the delegation of the Permanent Committee of the Union state, headed by the Deputy State Secretary, member of the Standing Committee Bambiza IM


The resort started the festival "Art of the young"

the City-resort of Anapa combined 140 young artists of the Union state of Russia and Belarus. Winners of the national and regional competitions in age from 7 to 18 years met at the festival "Art young" for the ninth time.


Abe held a meeting on the project of production of the helicopter "eagle"

August 19, 2014, Deputy State Secretary, member of the Permanent Committee of the Union state Abe held a meeting with representatives of JSC "RT Himkompozit", JSC "Berkut" and JSC "ECOS" on the realisation of the project of production of ultra-light helicopter "eagle" with the involvement of enterprises in Russia and Belarus.


In Anapa opened the Festival of the Union state "Creativity young"

19 August saw the official opening of the IX Festival of the Union state "creativity of the youth". On the Theatre square Anapa was a colourful concert, which began with the performance of young singers from Mogilev Valerie Shepelevich, Elena Titova and Anna Trubetskoy, who performed the song "Two sisters - Belarus and Russia".


Working meeting with the Federal service for Hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring

20 August this year, the Federal service for Hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring (Moscow, novovagankovsky trans., 12) held a working meeting with representatives of the Directorate for scientific programmes, international cooperation and information resources of Roshydromet and the Department of social policy and information support of the Permanent Committee of the Union state.


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