29 September in St. Petersburg in the main building of the Russian national library opened an exhibition "Belarusian book from antiquity to our days", which is a retrospective of the Belarusian book from the Polotsk gospel of the XII century to contemporary printers.
on September 19, in Rostov-on-don the final gala-concert in the Regional House of folk arts festival has ended IX "Youth for the Union state". This year it was attended by about 300 people: artists, creative teams, as well as representatives of youth organizations of the Union state.
In St. Petersburg there was held the ceremony of awarding the laureates of all-Russian historical-literary prize named after Alexander Nevsky. In the literary contest first prize was awarded to Belarusian writer Vyacheslav Bondarenko.
Belarusian town of Zaslavl, in which within two days (6-7 September) celebrated the twenty-first Day of Belarusian written language - a celebration of spirituality, the printed word and the national culture, was at that time the literary capital of Belarus. This honor, the city receives for the second time - up to this Zaslavl was attended celebrations in 2000.
3 through September 7, 2014 in Moscow is the most important literary event of this autumn - 27th Moscow international book exhibition-fair. This is one of the largest book fairs in the world, held annually since 1977. This year it is attended by representatives of more than 60 countries, including Belarus.
Belarusian publishers will participate in the 27th Moscow international book fair, which will take place from 3 to 7 September in pavilion 75 at ENEA. The Republic of Belarus has always been one of the most important features of this authoritative international show. In 2010 she took part as a guest of Honor.
a Unique monument of Russian history and culture, one of the largest spiritual center of Russian Orthodoxy - the Solovetsky archipelago, located in the North, in the White sea near the coast of Karelia and Arkhangelsk, in the near future must formally obtain the status of religious and historical places.
In early August the Belarusian Vitebsk held the XII international Orthodox youth festival "Protectress". This year the festival gathered more than five thousand people. This festive event was attended by young representatives of the fraternal Slavic peoples of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.
the Name of Olga Voronet is forever linked with great songs "Look in lake blue, Daisies hid", "Sweet berry" and "Kalinka". Since 2005 Olga Borisovna was the permanent Chairman of the jury held the Union state arts Festival of disabled people "Together we can do more".
30 July 2014 at the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation hosted the press-conference dedicated to the world day against human trafficking - July 30, which was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly on the initiative of Belarus resolution 68/192 from December 18, 2013
This summer in Russia appeared children of military history of the camp, in which special attention was given to the civil-Patriotic education. Here teenagers could in theory and in practice, to get acquainted with the basics of military Affairs, to study the history of the country, to engage in sports and physical training.
haven't had an official opening ceremony and XXIII international festival of arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk" has already begun its work. Only on the main site held on the 19th of concerts, which will visit more than 90 thousand people. And each of the 14 scheduled approximately 80 events.
July 8, 2014 in Russia is traditionally celebrated the Day of family, love and fidelity. The idea of the festival came from residents of the city of Murom, where the relics of saints Peter and Fevronia, married couples, which is considered a model of marital fidelity, happiness, love. For the first time this day is celebrated in the country in 2008.
July 8, Russia celebrates the young holiday - Day of family, love and fidelity. The initiative on its establishment was unanimously approved by the Federation Council. The date was not chosen by chance: on this day the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the feast day of saints Peter and Fevronia, who was considered in Russia patrons of family and marriage.
In Belarus celebrated the national holiday - Independence Day. This year at the same time celebrated two dates Independence Day and the 70th anniversary of liberation from Nazi invaders. The festive events were held across the country and beyond.
Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk Paul, Patriarchal Exarch of all Belarus has consecrated the monument in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Opening of the monument to the Russian Church leader, which recently passed in the capital of Belarus, testifies to the respect of citizens of the Republic to the history and respect their Christian shrines.
Today in the Russian capital opens XXXVI Moscow international film festival, one of the oldest and most respected in the world. In its competition program includes sixteen paintings. Russia at this creative forum are tapes "Yes and Yes" and "White moss" directed by Valeria Gai Germanicus Vladimir Tumayev.
Moscow state technical University of civil aviation (MSTU HA) consistently develops partnership relations with educational institutions located on the territory of the Customs Union countries. With universities in neighbouring Belarus in recent years have been built most effective two-way contacts.
1 June in many countries, including in Russia and in Belarus, celebrated children's Day. This day is a reminder to all adults about the need to respect children's rights to life, education, leisure and recreation. Adult according to the laws of morality and moral obligation to protect young people on the planet from any form of violence.
every year on may 24 in all Slavic countries celebrate the Day of Slavic writing and culture and solemnly praise the creators of the Slavic alphabet of Saint brothers Cyril and Methodius, the creators of the Slavic alphabet. According to the researchers, it was created, presumably, in the year 863.