
Culture and Society

The final of the ‘Best Lesson in Literature’ 11th all-Russia competition takes place in Moscow

The final of the ‘Best Lesson in Literature’ 11th all-Russia competition took place in the Concert Hall of the Palace of Children’s (Youth) Creativity on 17 October. Students from Class 6 B of the Grigory Bruev school in Moscow won first place in the category: ‘Russia and Belarus - Brothers since the old days’.

Photo by Georgy Pogorelov


People’s tradition is a way to future

Tradition is a very delicate thing. It can be broken with ease. However it is difficult to revive, strengthen and transmit traditions to the younger generation. This is important for those who truly love their Motherland. One man of God said that patriotism is the love of one’s forefathers’ faith. We would like to add that it is also a love of the traditions set up by our forefathers.


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