

Alexander Kalmykov: Integration as a geopolitical trend

Why was Russia inevitably a centre for the unification in the Eurasian space? Are there conditions other than economic ones? What secret geopolitical mechanisms drive political and economic processes? These were issues discussed with Professor Alexander Kalmykov of the Russian State University for the Humanities.


Mikhail Zadornov: If you want to be happy you should be just and honest (Part 2)

In the last few years our famous satirist and playwright Mikhail Zadornov has expanded his creative role. He has begun to study the history of the Slavic people and their culture, including the etymology of Russian words.

Photo: www.news.passion.ru


Mikhail Zadornov: If you want to be happy you should be just and honest (Part 1)

In the last few years our famous satirist and playwright Mikhail Zadornov has expanded his creative role. He has started to study the history of Slavic people and their culture, including the etymology of Russian words. Our correspondent has interviewed Zadornov.

Photo: www.radio.mediananny.com


Igor Volgin: Dostoevsky is a spiritual resource which will never be exhausted

Igor Leonidovich Volgin is a significant figure in Russian culture: a writer, publicist, historian, film director, broadcaster and author of several books of poems. He is a leading world expert on the life and works of Fedor Dostoevsky. Our correspondent met and talked with Igor Volgin.


Alexander Shirokorad: Russia had the opportunity to win World War I

In 2014 Russia and Belarus will mark the 100th anniversary of World War I. In fact this will be the first time that we shall really study the war and its results, to draw lessons from it, in short, to cross all the ‘t’s and dot all the ‘i's’ (or at least some of them).

Photo: Alexander Shirokograd, www.finam.fm


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