

More than 750 units of equipment prepared for the Army International Games-2017

ARMI-2017 will be held from July 29 to August 12. 28 international competitions will be held during the Games


BelAZ marks increase of exports to the Russian market in 2017

The growth of exports is observed in virtually all markets. In Russia - this is an increase in exports by 2.3 times


Concepts for the construction of the St. Petersburg quarter in Minsk and the Belarusian in St. Petersburg will be selected according to the competition

The issue of the construction of quarters was discussed for several years, the instruction was the result of an agreement between the parties following the visit of the delegation of St. Petersburg to the Belarusian capital


A department of the Belarusian book appeared in St. Petersburg on Nevsky Prospekt

On the shelf stood not only the works of Belarusian classics and contemporaries. But books on the general history of Russia and Belarus, as well as architecture, folk crafts, memoir and local history literature.


In order not to be short: this year the Youth Day at the "Slavic Bazaar" will last 2 days

The ideological initiator is the Public Association "Belarusian Republican Union of Youth"


A team from Russia became the winner of a meeting of young firefighters in Gomel

The second place belongs to the team from Georgia, the third from Kazakhstan


Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk" serves a noble goal - to strengthen peace and mutual understanding between nations - Alexander Lukashenko

The head of state stressed that the high international status of the festival is much obliged to Belarus


Vladimir Putin: "Slavonic Bazaar" is an entertaining holiday for all who love and appreciate the rich culture of the Slavic peoples

President of Russia sent greetings to participants, organizers and guests of the XXVI International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk"


Trade turnover between the Sverdlovsk region and Belarus increased by 46% in the 1st quarter of 2017

The region actively uses agricultural machinery, which is produced in Belarusian enterprises


Belarusian agricultural technologies on Sakhalin: Belarusian-Russian pilot project to start in October

At all stages of the construction of modern agrocomplex the Belarusian experience is used


Grigory Rapota visited the Vitebsk factory of radio components "Monolith"

The Secretary of State visited the plant on the eve of the Day of the Union State at the festival "Slavianski Bazaar"


BelAZ to build a service center in the Sverdlovsk Region

The service center in the Urals needs BELAZ, as the demand for this brand is quite large, and the exploitation of such heavy equipment requires high-quality service support


Festival "Slavianski Bazaar" inaugurated in Vitebsk today

The start of the forum is accompanied by a whole ceremonial


Time to build: the best students of Belarus and Russia gathered at BelNPP

Noisy, funny and smart. The best came to work in Belarus. To the sounds of the orchestra they were given labor permits


Expert: Russia's experience in the development of the pharmaceutical industry is useful for Belarus

The director of the Belarusian pharmaceutical campaign has recommended taking an example from Russia in some issues of medical development


International press center of the Slavic Bazaar opened in Vitebsk

Within the framework of the opening, journalists were honored for the long-term information support of the "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk"


Belarus Maria Magilnaya won the children's contest at the "Slavic Bazaar"

The gala concert and awarding ceremony of laureates and diplomats took place today in the concert hall "Vitebsk"


CSTO Foreign Ministers meeting to be held July 17 in Minsk

Also on the agenda of the Council of Foreign Ministers consideration of documents on the establishment of the heraldic emblem and insignia of the formation of forces and assets of the CSTO collective security system


Alexander Lukashenko called sincere and productive the meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State held in Moscow

The president said that the event began with talks in a narrow composition


Ural Turbine Plant signs agreements with Belarusian companies

The Ural turbine plant has a long-standing relationship with Belarusian enterprises: the park of this country is represented by 20% of the capacity by the turbines of the Ural enterprise. Steam turbines were delivered to the cities of Minsk, Mogilev, Vitebsk, Polotsk, Mozyr


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