

Alexander Lukashenko congratulates Valentina Tereshkova on her anniversary

The flight of the world's first female cosmonaut has become one of the most striking pages in the history of space exploration


Prime Minister of Belarus to take part in the meeting of the EAEC Intergovernmental Council in Bishkek

EAEU - the international integration economic association created on the basis of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space


Lydia Yermoshina: Belarus and Russia develop in line with world trends in strengthening the role of women in the state

A conversation about the role of women in the socio-political life of the country, the main qualities of a woman leader and the specifics of conducting a "female" business


Exchange tours of the Belarusian Youth Theater and two theaters of St. Petersburg will be held in 2017

The agreement on exchange tours was reached during the festival "Baltic House", where Belarusian artists performed "well-proven" last year


Belarusian Embassy in Moscow presents a concert of the "Pure Voice" group and an exhibition of paintings to the women's holiday

The Ambassador of Belarus congratulated women on the upcoming holiday: "The beginning of spring is inextricably linked with the 8th of March! This is the day of the triumph of women, the triumph of goodness, wisdom, beauty and spiritual strength. " He wished everyone health, love, happiness and prosperity


Union double kick

Paratroopers from Russia and Belarus successfully worked out the tactics of destroying the advanced detachments of the conventional enemy


Belarus plans to increase food supplies to Russia in 2017

"We plan to go out this year with an increase of 8% to the level of last year," said Mikhail Rusy, speaking of expectations of food exports to Russia, adding that "in January, according to operational data, we already see a 15% increase in supplies"


Belarus and Sverdlovsk region agreed on cooperation in the field of tourism

The corresponding agreement was signed in Minsk, within the framework of the official visit of the delegation of the Sverdlovsk region to Belarus


Vladimir Pantyukhov: Improving the legislative base will improve the process of adopting allied programs

The parliamentarian noted that the procedure for adopting programs today can not be called perfect


Realization of cooperation projects of enterprises of Sverdlovsk region and Belarus will reach a new practical level

Arrangements were reached during the working visit, which took place from February 27 to March 1, the delegation of the Sverdlovsk region headed by the first vice-governor of the region Alexei Orlov to Minsk


Meeting of Russian-Belarusian Business Council to be held within the framework of "Innoprom-2017"

International Industrial Exhibition "Innoprom-2017" will be held in Yekaterinburg from 10 to 13 July


The quality of Belarusian products is considered high by 79% of Russians - poll

Such data were obtained as a result of a survey conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM)


Joint Collegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus and Russia to be held in July this year

Belarusian security officials maintain close contacts with colleagues from the internal affairs agencies of both Russia and the other member countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization


Union programs give colossal effect for all sectors of the economy, - Vladislav Shchepov

According to the parliamentarian, the question is acute as to why specific state bodies "hamper" the harmonization of the programs of the Union State, which do not fall within their competence


Russian Ministry of Education and Science participates in the development of the concepts of the four union programs

The most "advanced" of the preparations, according to Alexei Semin, is the program "Additivity"


Union State programs give an opportunity for closer cooperation between Belarus and Russia

According to him, the programs of the Union State are the priority in the Belarusian-Russian cooperation, which are discussed at all parliamentary commissions and meetings, without exception.


Interior Ministry of Belarus and Russia actively exchanging information on persons involved in drug trafficking: Andrei Saladovnikov

Due to the exchange of data, the guards of the order repeatedly managed to stop the drug trafficking


Medical universities of Vitebsk and St. Petersburg plan to jointly study metabolic processes

The amount of funding for scientific research will be about 1 billion Russian rubles in advance, the issue of including the project in one of the programs of the Union State of Belarus and Russia


Russian-Belarussian army exercises of paratroopers begin near Pskov

As commander of the Airborne Forces Colonel-General Andrei Serdyukov told to reporters, during the tactical exercises it is supposed to work out joint work in the battle of the divisions of the two countries


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