

52% of Moldovans are for the accession to the EU, 48% want to be in the Customs Union

The majority of the population supports the accession of the republic to the European Union. News agency BELTA reports that this fact was revealed in a new social research undertaken by the Association of Sociologists and Demographers of Moldova and then published in Kishinev.


Khristenko: The Common Economic Space de facto uses the WTO rules

The Common Economic Space of Belarus , Kazakhstan and Russia de facto works in conformity with the norms of the World Trade Organization. The statement was made by Chairman of the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission Viktor Khristenko at the plenary session of the Gaidar Forum in Moscow.


N. Nazarbaev: Eurasian integration is our strategic advantage over challenges of the third global industrial revolution.

“We will continue moving to our common aim, I want to stress that Eurasian integration that is being implemented on my personal initiative never has been and will never be aimed at the reincarnation of any political union, moreover it won’t be a restoration of the former USSR fallen into oblivion,” said Nazarbaev on Friday during the meeting with the representatives of foreign diplomatic corps accredited in the Republic of Kazahstan.


Alexander Lukashenko Held Press Conference for Representatives of Belarusian and Foreign Mass Media

On January 15th at the National Library President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko held a press conference for Belarusian and foreign journalists. It was a big conference if to consider both the number of participants (more than 350 journalists were invited to take part) and its duration (about five hours).


D.Medvedev: The Customs Union and the Common Economic Space are open for other countries

The states that want to join the Customs Union of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan should sign all its documents, not only the part of them. BELTA reports that this statement was made by Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev at the Gaidar Forum in Moscow.


Russian President Held Negotiations with Prime Minister of Bangladesh

As is reported by the press service of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin has conducted negotiations with Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina


Russian Army to reject footwraps

According to the Press Service and Information Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense,


Joint Belarusian-Russian Strategic Command Post Exercise “Zapad-2013” to Be Conducted in 2013

In 2013 the Army of the Russian Federation is to take part in 11 international exercises. The major ones are the exercises with U.S. forces – “Atlas Vision”, Indian Armed Forces – “Indra”, Italian Armed Forces – special exercise in the mountains, Mongolian Armed Forces – “Selenga”, Armed Forces of Ukraine – “Slavyanskoe Sodruzhestvo”, as well as tactical exercises with military units of Germany and Armenia.


“Belarusians of the Urals” Collect Money for Monument to Vladimir Mulyavin

The monument to the People’s Artist of Belarus is to be unveiled in Yekaterinburg in 2014.


A contract for the supply of the third air defense battery “TOR-M2” to Belarus has been signed

A contract for the supply of the third air defense battery “TOR-M2” to Belarus in 2013 has been signed. This was announced today to the journalists by Deputy Minister of Defense for Armament Igor Lotenkov.


In 2012 the Union State became full of practicable projects

This opinion was expressed by editor-in-chief of the magazine “Belaruskaya Dumka”, Cand. Sc. (History) and political scientist Vadim Gigin when www.soyuz.by noted that Grigory Rapota has held the position of the State Secretary of the Union State for a year now.


The monument to the People’s Artist of Belarus is to be unveiled in Yekaterinburg in 2014.

Russian company “ Rus -K” won an auction for the sale of 38.6 % of Minsk regional executive committee shares in the Open Joint Stock Company “Holding management company “Zabudova”.


Belarus and Russia to Sign an Agreement on Cooperation in Nuclear Safety

Belarus and Russia are planning to sign an agreement on cooperation in the area of nuclear safety. A draft agreement between the Governments of the two countries was approved by the Council of Ministers’ Decree № 1249 of December 29, 2012 as the basis for negotiations.


Russian and Belarusian Experts to Complete Work on New Satellite

Rocket and Space Corporation “Energia” is currently completing the work on a new remote sensing satellite (RSS), said Corporation President and General Designer Vitaly Lopota.


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