

Within the scope of the seminar “Medicine and longevity in Union state” press-conference with seminar participants will take place in National press-centre of the Republic of Belarus on April 9

On April 8-9 in Minsk (Belarusian State Medicine University, Derzhinski prospect, 83) standing Union state seminar meeting under Parliamentary Assembly on the subject “Medicine and longevity in Union state” will take place.


Reconstructed at the Union State Budget Expense, New Customs Station “Mokrany” Opened at Belarusian-Ukrainian Border

Having undergone reconstruction, an international road customs station “Mokrany” was opened at Belarusian-Ukrainian border on March 12th, 2008. As experts of the State Customs Committee of Belarus note, this customs station fronts the Second Transport Corridor Paris – Berlin – Warsaw – Minsk – Moscow and is of great importance for the development of trade, tourist and business relations.


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