

N. Nazarbaev: Eurasian integration is our strategic advantage over challenges of the third global industrial revolution.

“We will continue moving to our common aim, I want to stress that Eurasian integration that is being implemented on my personal initiative never has been and will never be aimed at the reincarnation of any political union, moreover it won’t be a restoration of the former USSR fallen into oblivion,” said Nazarbaev on Friday during the meeting with the representatives of foreign diplomatic corps accredited in the Republic of Kazahstan.


D.Medvedev: The Customs Union and the Common Economic Space are open for other countries

The states that want to join the Customs Union of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan should sign all its documents, not only the part of them. BELTA reports that this statement was made by Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev at the Gaidar Forum in Moscow.


Belarus will join WTO

Belarus will continue negotiations on accession to the World Trade Organization. Anton Kudasov Deputy Minister of Economy told a press conference.


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